English Course

The Benefits Of Learning English

As well as being the official language of 53 countries, English is also spoken by around 400 million people worldwide and is the lingua franca in business. It’s easy to see why so many people want to learn and improve their skills in this language. With an online course, you can do exactly that.

Online English Courses And Programs

Many educational institutions are also offering courses taught in English. So, if you want to study anywhere around the world, it can be highly beneficial to improve your understanding of the language so that you can understand course materials and even take the IELTS test.

Choosing an English language course

Al_Suffah selection of learn English courses cover a diverse range of topics. There are resources for students of English, covering topics such as basic English and how to write in English for university study.

For those who are planning on taking an IELTS qualification, you can find courses on understanding the listening, writing, speaking and reading components. These courses are also useful for those who are teaching students preparing for the IELTS test.

How long does an English course take?

Many of our courses can be completed over a period of a few weeks. The shortest tend to take around two weeks to complete, with three hours of study required each week. More intense courses can take up to six weeks, requiring three to six hours of study each week.

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